Breeding World Class Corsos


Male Cane Corsos

Breeding World Class Corsos


Breeding World Class Corsos


Excellence Is Achieved By Generations of Careful Breeding Habits

A Cane Corso male has a large head and a rectangular body. It has a strong frame, slit muscles, and a stretched-out body. Its neck is somewhat arched, and its snout is deep and broad. In a male Cane Corso, the more aggressive end of the canine dominance spectrum is more noticeable. They make the best security dogs since they are born with a dominant personality and a strong demeanor.

Looking for a Cane Corso for sale in Texas? You’ve come to the right place! Welcome to Corinthian Corsos, where quality is a habit, and our Cane Corso males reflect our ideals. We proudly serve Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, offering top-quality Cane Corsos that embody excellence.

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AKC Grand Champion
Leonitis “The Big Show”

AKC Grand Champion
Westminster BOB Winner 2011
ICCF Champion, SACCI Champion,
3x Winners Dog 2009 SACCI Nationals
4x Best in Show NAKC/SACCI
Available for stud (application approved)
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Prince Leonitis II

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CH Phantom’s Valvano

(Son of GR CH Leonitis BigShow)
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ABlack Corso of Bajer

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Corinthians Kodiak

(CH Scandifios Armani x Blue Kings Dasha)
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Phantom’s Bodacious

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Menace To Society

(GR CH Leonitis Bigshow x BlueKing’s Dasha)
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Joe Frazier

Des Dunes Des Sages
Best Puppy at European Dog Show Leeuwarden 2011
5th at WDS 2011 in Paris
Half Brother of Junior European Champion CH Morgan Freeman Des Dunes Ses Sages!!
Junior Porto Winner 2012
Best Junior at Portugal for 2 shows
Best Puppy at French Championships 2011
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AKC CH Corinthians

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Ken Della
Valle Dei Lord

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